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Life can be unpredictable. One moment you’re cruising along at a steady pace, and the next thing you know, you’re suddenly faced with unfortunate circumstances. Whether it’s a job loss, a sudden health issue, or an unexpected home repair, these...

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After those long, Canadian winter months, Spring Break is always a welcome retreat for children and adults alike. However, with high inflation rates and costs of living, figuring out how to make the most of your vacation time can be...

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While many couples aspire to have a dream wedding and a home of their own, in today’s economy, it’s not always feasible to have both at the same time. The average Canadian wedding costs nearly $30,000, while a 5% minimum...

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People with bad credit ratings often have a difficult time getting a loan because they’re viewed as high-risk customers more likely to default on a loan. Fortunately, there are available loans for people with bad credit that can get you...

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